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Is it possible to change the data in the signed lease agreement?

The article was updated on 23. 4. 2020.

Do you need to change anything on an already valid lease agreement? In this article, you can read how it can be managed!

Yes, in exceptional cases it's possible to change the data even in the signed (and therefore valid) lease agreement.

The most common changes in the lease agreement requested by our tenants are the following:

Moving into the accommodation earlier or later

Whether you want to move into a selected accommodation earlier or later than the agreed start date of the lease agreement, it's necessary to register it. Only our Customer Care team can change the start date of the lease agreement.

However, you must first discuss the changes with your future landlord - we can make these changes only with their consent.

Therefore, before contacting our Customer Care team, you should provide your landlord's approval in the form of a proof (for example, a printout of the conversation in which the landlord approved the changes).

Based on this proof, the existing signature on the current lease agreement will be removed and the start date of the lease agreement will be changed.

Then the system will ask you to sign the lease agreement again with an online authorization code, just like the first signature - after that the lease agreement can become valid. If you have paid the first rent, nothing else is required from your side.

You can contact our Customer Care team at [email protected].

Extending your stay in the rented accommodation

Just as you can change the date of moving in without any major problems, it's also possible to extend the lease agreement. The reasons for an extension vary, but the fact is that landlords usually have no problem extending your stay if the accommodation is available at the desired time.

But even in this case, it's necessary to discuss this directly with the landlord, who can easily extend the lease agreement directly from their Flatio application, without the help of our Customer Care team.

Adding other people to the lease agreement

Currently, our system doesn't allow you to add other people to the lease agreement. However, you can cover their stay in a rented accommodation by creating an amendment document to the lease agreement.

So if you need to cover the stay of one or more individuals, contact your landlord who can create this amendment in their Flatio application.

Other changes

Do you need to make other changes to your lease agreement? For example, to change the dates in the agreement or something else? Just contact our Customer Care team at the email address [email protected] and we'll take care of it. 

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